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Summary of a year of WeLoveJS

Publicado por Tomas Corral activado 6 Diciembre 2012, 21:12pm

Summary of a year of WeLoveJS

Hey, guys!

Remember that on January 26th 'WeLoveJS 4' will take place.

We will celebrate the first anniversary in this new edition of WeLoveJS.

First of all we want to thank everyone who supported us at the time not only attending but those who expend their time for the JavaScript community.

In this post I want to remember all those who have worked with us, for this year that leaves us, giving a talk or workshop.

@peremonfort, @oscaranton, @micho, @buenosvinos, @meth, @XaV1uzz, @elmendalerenda, @Marc_Rubino

These are some of the topics that we have taken this year:

Node.js, Gaming, HTML5, PhoneGap, Titanium, Backbone, beCuore, Hydra.js, Windows8 ..

It has been a year full of new experiences and we want to improve during the next year, that's why we opened the 'Call4Papers' , please feel free to add the talks and workshops that you may share with Javascript comunnity .

We can already confirm that on 4th edition we will have a talk and a workshop on TypeScript, courtesy of @pbousan and @fernandoescolar .

We want to make a special mention to @CarlosTheSailor for giving us a hand when we started this amazing experience almost one year ago, and @Softonic too for its facilities.

Thanks to all, I expect that the next year brings us a full year of knowledge and a lot of new friends.

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